8 Easy Ways to Build Confidence in Your Pupils

confidence Sep 14, 2023

When the bell rings and those pristine shoes step gingerly into classrooms, one could argue it's not just the beginning of a new academic year, but a stepping stone in the vast journey of personal growth.

There's an old saying,

"Confidence is a plant of slow growth in an aged bosom"
                                                                                         – William Pitt.

But what if we could give that plant a gentle nudge while it's still young?


1. Recognise Effort, Not Just Success

For every meticulously drawn diagram and correctly spelt word, there’s a journey of trial and error. Celebrate their process.

A simple "I noticed you've worked hard on this!" can boost morale in ways beyond measure.


2. Encourage Group Activities

Humans are, by nature, social creatures. Group activities can play a pivotal role in honing interpersonal skills.

It’s also a splendid opportunity for pupils to recognise their strengths and offer them to the collective.


3. Provide Constructive Feedback

No red ink, please! Mistakes are the stepping stones to success. Instead of focusing on what went wrong, guide them on how it can be made right.

Studies have shown that constructive feedback helps students learn and grow.

You can’t grow if you don’t know what you’re doing wrong.

4. Assign Leadership Roles

Every child has a leader within, waiting to take charge.

Be it leading a classroom discussion or taking attendance; these little responsibilities can instill a sense of capability.


5. Introduce Role Models

Our world's history and current events are bursting with stories of people who showed incredible determination and self-belief.

Sharing these stories with young minds is more than just a lesson; it's a powerful gift. 

Think of it as handing them a shining torch.

When they hear about individuals who overcame challenges, it sparks a flame inside them, illuminating their own potential. 


6. Empower Through Choices

Even simple decisions, like picking a book for the class or choosing a corner for reading, give children a sense of control.

This autonomy, in turn, breeds confidence.


7. Create a Safe Space for Expression

Not every day is a bright sunny one. Provide a haven where pupils feel safe to express their feelings, concerns, and even fears.

Listening can be the first step to healing.

Here is what Esther Wojcicki, an advisor to multiple Ed-tech startups in Silicon Valley, the author of Moonshots in Education and the bestseller How to Raise Successful People, had to say about building a relationship between the teacher and the pupils in a Forbes article:

It is the relationship that a student feels between a teacher and between other students in the class that matters.

Students need to feel that they belong to the class community.

If the teacher has a positive relationship with the student, there is a greater likelihood that they will be happy to be in your class.

If they feel like the class community welcomes them, they will be happy to be there.”


8. Celebrate Uniqueness

In a world full of apples, let’s not forget the charm of a singular orange. Every child brings a unique perspective to the table. Appreciate and applaud this individuality.



As we embark on a fresh school term, it's essential to recognise that schools serve a purpose beyond merely chasing top grades. 

They act as foundational grounds where our young ones not only acquire academic knowledge but also build their character and prepare for life's myriad challenges. 

By fostering confidence, you are providing them with a compass, guiding them through life's twists and turns.

It'll be the invisible hand that steadies them during tough times and the wind beneath their wings when they soar. 

In essence, by nurturing their self-belief, we're equipping them to face the world with resilience, grace, and confidence.

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