Teaching Emotional Regulation to Children

Uncategorized May 05, 2023

It’s a normal day in your class, all the pupils sitting in the class, brimming with excitement, eyes sparkling, ready to tackle a new learning adventure…

You hand out a math problem to the pupils in your class. But Charlie couldn’t solve it.

Instead of asking for help, he got...

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10 Strategies for Building Resilience in Children: A Guide for Teachers

Uncategorized May 05, 2023

As an educator, you often focus on academic skills. But are you paying enough attention to emotional skills, like resilience? Picture this…

A young sapling, bending and swaying with the wind, yet never breaking. This is the metaphorical image of resilience we aim to cultivate in our...

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Empowering Your Pupils to Be Mental Health Champions

Uncategorized May 05, 2023

Have you ever considered the power of a single conversation about mental health? The conversation that breaks the ice, that helps someone feel seen and heard, that could potentially save a life? 

In our schools, we have a unique opportunity to create a supportive environment where these...

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5 Ways To Protect Your Children's Mental Health During This Pandemic

mental health May 21, 2020

It's been over two months since the start of lockdown and the impact this has had on the lives and mental health of so many children and young people cannot be ignored. 

As a parent of two children, I've been doing all I can to hold it together and stay positive around my children at a time...

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